属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物技术专利 自然正义
1 | ||1:此外,他曾说,这个世界上的所有探索和科学都绝不可能解释作为神之化身的他所做的其他一些事情。||2:他可以使死人复活,即使蚂蚁已经爬满他们的身体。||3:他可以使下雨停止。||4:他可以离开自己的身体,让它在椅子里陷入僵直和毫无生气的状态达五分钟,此时他飞往克什米尔前线或者孟买的海滨。||5:十二指肠溃疡患者找他做手术,他可以使手术器械从虚空中突然出现。||6:他可以将水变成汽油或柴油,很多汽车加上这些油可以跑好几英里。 | ||1:Besides, he said, all the enquiries and science in the world could not begin to explain the other things that He, as an avatar of God, could will to happen.||2:He could raise people from the dead, even when ants were already crawling over them.||3:He could hold back the rains.||4:He could leave His own body, letting it slump stiff and lifeless in His chair for five minutes while He travelled to the Kashmir Front or the seashore at Mumbai.||5:Sufferers from duodenal ulcers would find Him operating on them, materialising the instruments from thin air.||6:He could change water into petrol or diesel on which cars ran for many miles. | |
2 | ||1:存款利率在十二月降到了4%已是不争的事实,并且让人无法忍受。||2:那么物价会进一步增长吗?如果增长,那么大致占GDP2/3比例的消费将回落。||3:实际上,主要原因在于金融危机之后的复苏通常是迟缓的:家庭和企业必须归还他们在经济高度增长年份所积累的债务,这过程被称作资金杠杆。||4:家庭希望债务相对于收入来说能够得到缩减;到头来他们大多数都拒还贷款。||5:或许还有更多的这样的拒绝偿付贷款的行为将要发生。||6:问题是,消费者投入到消费性开支的收入会不会变得更少。如果会,那将会导致储蓄率进一步提升。 | ||1: This was not sustainable, and indeed the saving rate jumped back to 4% in December. ||2: Are further increases in store? If so, that would hold back consumption, which accounts for roughly two-thirds of GDP. ||3: And indeed that is the main reason recoveries after financial crises are usually sluggish: households and businesses have to hack back the debt they accumulated during the boom years, a process called deleveraging. ||4: Households have as expected reduced their debts relative to their incomes; much of that has come by defaulting on their loans. ||5: More such defaults are probably in store. ||6: The question is, will consumers also divert more of their income from consumption? That would cause the saving rate to rise further. | |
3 | 尽管如此,设计师品牌依旧犹豫不决(沃尔玛销售最大码服装的量最多)。 | Nonetheless, designer brands still hold back (Walmart sells the most plus-size apparel). | |
4 | 另有人认为,这样的专利阻碍了日新月异的生物技术行业的发展。 | Others argue that such patents hold back biotechnology, an industry that is changing fast. | |
5 | 一些复合材料面板承诺可以阻止火焰燃烧两个小时或更长时间。房顶下的空隙可以被堵住,以阻止余烬飘进来。 | Some composite panels promise to hold back the flames for two hours or more. Gaps under roofs can be blocked up, to stop embers drifting in. | |
6 | (喻)老板再也抑制不住怒火了。 | (= hold in, keep back) The boss was unable to hold back his anger any longer. | |
7 | “他跳着投到我的怀里,我只能忍着眼泪。”家住马萨诸塞州昆西市的Shaw告诉记者。 | "He jumped into my arms, and I had to hold back the tears, " says Shaw, 46, who lives in Quincy, Massachusetts. | |
8 | “我们正进入一段为期五年的时期,在此期间,发达国家历年积累的债务将制约其增长,”他对英国《金融时报》表示。 | "We are entering a five-year stretch where the overhang of debt in the advanced countries will hold back their growth, " he told the FT. | |
9 | 《时代周刊》已开始留出一些报道不在网站上发布,其实它现在却有很象样的电子版本在出售。 | Time magazine has begun to hold back some stories from its website, on the ground that it is now providing a decent digital alternative. | |
10 | 12月,在孟菲斯的民主党期中大会上,肯尼迪不能再犹豫不决了。 | In December, at a midterm Democratic convention in Memphis, Mr. Kennedy could hold back no longer. | |
11 | google还没有发布这个服务,即使只是测试软件,他们还是倾向于保密。 | Google hasn’t yet announced the service, so even with test apps they’re likely to hold back . | |
12 | Mendeley桌面v0.9.2测试版一个星期前已经完成,但我们决定将其发布推迟以增加更多修正。 | Its older brother Mendeley Desktop v0. 9. 2 beta was available for a week but we decided to add one more fix and hold back this blog post. | |
13 | 不过,他曾告知保守者,改革不允许倒退。 | But he has telegraphed that conservatives won’t be allowed to hold back reforms. | |
14 | 不要将自己的全部秘密告诉别人;永远有所保留,这样别人永远弄不清是否真正理解你。 | Never reveal all of yourself to other people; hold back something in reserve so that people are never quite sure if they really know you. | |
15 | 除了一位骑手其他人都有意控制马的速度。 | All but one of the riders would hold back their horses. | |
16 | 此外,如果这些常规出口国变成重要的进口国,那么抵制保护主义的政治难度就会下降。 | In addition, if these habitual exporters were to become serious importers, it would be politically easier to hold back protectionism. | |
17 | 但华盛顿多数消息灵通的观察人士认为,财政部将继续按兵不动。 | But most informed observers in Washington think the Treasury will continue to hold back . | |
18 | 但是如果他们犹豫的时间太长,市场萎缩就会先行一步。 | But if they hold back for too long, the markets will strike first. | |
19 | 当被问及是谁激励他们打篮球的时候,那些年轻的球员们对此毫不隐瞒。 | The young players do not hold back when asked who inspired them to play basketball. | |
20 | 当大家开始写遗嘱时,房间里渐渐充满了抽泣声,特别是女性,都忍不住流下泪水。 | As they start to write, the room becomes filled with sniffing, women in particular struggling to hold back their tears. | |
21 | 当然,它的存在本身或许可以让许多潜在的屠夫心生畏惧而住手;但要维持这样一个过度奢华的理想却绝非易事。 | Of course, its very existence may have made some would-be dealers of death hold back ; but such extravagant claims are hard to sustain. | |
22 | 当我看到你忍着伤腿在向教练发出你能坚持的表情的时候,就在那一刹那我热泪盈眶。 | I could not hold back my tears when I saw you managed to fight, despite the pain in your leg. | |
23 | 当我看到我的小男孩的痛苦哭泣超过他的宠物狗的死亡,我几乎控制不住我的眼泪。 | when I saw my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog, I could hardly hold back my tears. | |
24 | 当一名救援者从废墟中抱出一名小女孩时,在场的很多父母潸然泪下。 | Many parents couldn’t hold back their tears when a rescuer carried a teenage girl out of the ruins. | |
25 | 俄罗斯也许会根据两方情势在紧接着的几个星期或几个月里相对收敛一些。 | Russia may yet hold back from some of the more disruptive options depending on how both sides play these next few weeks and months. | |
26 | 而太多的管制和过于慷慨的社会福利状况,不仅会使增加就业岗位的步伐减慢,还会抑制创业的积极性; | too much regulation and an excessively generous welfare state together hold back job creation and inhibit entrepreneurship; | |
27 | 而西方也同样屈服于这种绝望,他们认为只有强人才能控制住极端分子。 | And the West has surrendered to this despair too, assuming that only the strongmen could hold back the extremists. | |
28 | 反对在危机过后改革公司治理的人士,正把精力集中在华盛顿方面,企图阻止变革。 | Opponents of post-meltdown reforms to corporate governance are trying to hold back change by focusing on Washington. | |
29 | 该协会明确表示,对于那些发布诽谤性内容、损害其会员形象的网站,它将毫不犹豫地提起诉讼。 | The union made clear that it would not hold back from suing companies that published defamatory material about its members. | |
30 | 高失业率会减弱收入增长带来的作用;减薪早已是屡见不鲜。 | High unemployment will hold back wage gains (see chart); wage cuts are already commonplace. |